Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Adaptive Grid Optical Tomography

Adaptive Grid Optical Tomography

Image-based modeling of semi-transparent, dynamic phenomena is a challenging task. We present an optical tomography method that uses an adaptive grid for the reconstruction of a three-dimensional density function from its projections. The proposed method is applied to reconstruct thin smoke and flames volumetrically from synchronized multi-video recordings. Our adaptive reconstruction algorithm computes a time-varying volumetric model, that enables the photorealistical rendering of the recorded phenomena from arbitrary viewpoints. In contrast to previous approaches we sample the underlying unknown, three-dimensional density function adaptively which enables us to achieve a higher effective resolution of the reconstructed models.

Author(s):Ivo Ihrke, Marcus Magnor
Published:September 2006
Journal:Graphical Models Vol. 68

  title = {Adaptive Grid Optical Tomography},
  author = {Ihrke, Ivo and Magnor, Marcus},
  journal = {Graphical Models},
  volume = {68},
  number = {5},
  pages = {484--495},
  month = {Sep},
  year = {2006}
