Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

The Sequential Initializer Tree Pattern

The Sequential Initializer Tree Pattern

We present the Sequential Initializer Tree Pattern, a creational design pattern for flexible and safe initialization of complex objects in programming. While the Sequential Initializer Pattern provides only one yet safe way to initialize a complex object, the Sequential Initializer Tree Pattern provides an equally safe but more flexible way to initialize a complex object, yet inherits all the benefits of the original pattern, including readability, writeability, enforced correct usage and reduced cognitive load for the user. We show that applying this pattern is as simple as the original pattern, yet provides a more flexible way to safely initialize objects and therefore prevents cumbersome data transformations at code level.

Author(s):Martin Eisemann, Fabian Friederichs, Sascha Fricke, Marcus Magnor
Published:October 2023
Type:Article in conference proceedings
Book:Proc. European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP)

  title = {The Sequential Initializer Tree Pattern},
  author = {Eisemann, Martin and Friederichs, Fabian and Fricke, Sascha and Magnor, Marcus},
  booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (Euro{PL}oP)},
  month = {Oct},
  year = {2023}
