Computer Graphics
TU Braunschweig

Evaluation of Optimised Centres of Rotation Skinning

Evaluation of Optimised Centres of Rotation Skinning

In this paper, we evaluate the real-time skeletal skinning technique Optimised Centres of Rotation Skinning (CRS) in terms of animation quality and efficiency. Skeletal animation rigidly deforms static meshes, letting them perform rigid movements without requiring additional geometry and make it a core part of movies and video games. Linear Blend Skinning (LBS) is the simplest and most intuitive implementation for appropriate vertex transformation. The popular extension Dual Quaternion Skinning (DQS) resolves the volume loss of LBS but introduces new artefacts. These are addressed by the recent CRS showing promising results. Our source code for LBS, DQS and especially CRS will be made public on our website.

Author(s):Paul Maximilian Bittner, Jan-Philipp Tauscher, Steve Grogorick, Marcus Magnor
Published:April 2019
Howpublished:Poster @ International Conference on Computational Visual Media 2019
Presented at:International Conference on Computational Visual Media (CVM) 2019

  title = {Evaluation of Optimised Centres of Rotation Skinning},
  author = {Bittner, Paul Maximilian and Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Grogorick, Steve and Magnor, Marcus},
  howpublished = {Poster @ International Conference on Computational Visual Media 2019},
  month = {Apr},
  year = {2019}
