@article{wedekind2023geometry, title = {Geometry Calibration Correction for Truncated Detector {CT}}, author = {Wedekind, Markus and Mertsch, Darvin and Castillo, Susana and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing (e{JNDT})}, doi = {10.58286/27754}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, note = {i{CT} Special Issue}, month = {Feb}, year = {2023} } @article{wedekind2022feature-sensitive, title = {Feature-Sensitive Ring Artifact Correction for Computed Tomography}, author = {Wedekind, Markus and Castillo, Susana and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation ({JONE})}, doi = {10.1007/s10921-022-00914-w }, volume = {42}, number = {5}, pages = {1--9}, month = {Dec}, year = {2022} } @inproceedings{wedekind2021reducing, title = {Reducing Stair Artifacts in {CT} Reconstruction}, author = {Wedekind, Markus and Oertel, Eric and Castillo, Susana and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing ({ICIP})}, isbn = {978-1-6654-3102-6}, doi = {10.1109/{ICIP}42928.2021.9506066}, pages = {3492--3496}, month = {Sep}, year = {2021} } @misc{magnor2021icg, title = {{ICG} Report 2018-2020}, author = {Magnor, Marcus and Eisemann, Martin and Castillo, Susana and Grogorick, Steve and Fricke, Sascha and Groth, Colin and Kappel, Moritz and Kassubeck, Marc and M{\"u}hlhausen, Moritz and Tauscher, Jan-Philipp and Wedekind, Markus and W{\"o}hler, Leslie and G{\"o}tze, Carsten and Klages, Michelle and Martens, Anja}, month = {Apr}, year = {2021} } @inproceedings{wedekind2018real-time, title = {Real-Time High-Resolution Cone-Beam {CT} Using {GPU}-Based Multi-Resolution Sampling}, author = {Wedekind, Markus and Kassubeck, Marc and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing ({ICIP})}, pages = {1163--1167}, month = {Oct}, year = {2018} }