@incollection{loewe2016immmersive, title = {Gaze Visualization for Immersive Video}, author = {L{\"o}we, Thomas and Stengel, Michael and F{\"o}rster, Emmy-Charlotte and Grogorick, Steve and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Eye Tracking and Visualization}, isbn = {978-3319470238}, publisher = {Springer}, editor = {Burch, Michael and Chuang, Lewis and Fisher, Brian and Schmidt, Albrecht and Weiskopf, Daniel}, pages = {57--71}, month = {Mar}, year = {2017} } @article{loewe2015osc, title = {Visual Analytics for Development and Evaluation of Order Selection Criteria for Autoregressive Processes}, author = {L{\"o}we, Thomas and F{\"o}rster, Emmy-Charlotte and Albuquerque, Georgia and Krei{\ss}, Jens-Peter and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG})}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, note = {{IEEE} {VIS} 2015 paper}, pages = {151--159}, month = {Jan}, year = {2016} } @inproceedings{loewe2015gazehmd, title = {Visualization and Analysis of Head Movement and Gaze Data for Immersive Video in Head-mounted Displays}, author = {L{\"o}we, Thomas and Stengel, Michael and F{\"o}rster, Emmy-Charlotte and Grogorick, Steve and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization ({ETVIS})}, volume = {1}, month = {Oct}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{foerster2015pcs, title = {{RGB}-Guided Depth Map Compression via Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding}, author = {F{\"o}rster, Emmy-Charlotte and L{\"o}we, Thomas and Wenger, Stephan and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Picture Coding Symposium ({PCS})}, number = {L-2.1}, pages = {1--4}, month = {May}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{Albuquerque2014HBH, title = {Hierarchical Brushing of High-Dimensional Data Sets Using Quality Metrics}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and Eisemann, Martin and L{\"o}we, Thomas and Magnor, Marcus}, booktitle = {Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization ({VMV})}, organization = {Eurographics}, pages = {1--8}, month = {Oct}, year = {2014} } @article{Albuquerque2011SGH, title = {Synthetic Generation of High-dimensional Datasets}, author = {Albuquerque, Georgia and L{\"o}we, Thomas and Magnor, Marcus}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ({TVCG}, Proc. Visualization / InfoVis)}, doi = {10.1109/tvcg.2011.237}, volume = {17}, number = {12}, pages = {2317--2324}, month = {Dec}, year = {2011} }